Reading Mode

Reading Mode Shortcut is a convenient feature that allows you to easily track your reading time and progress. With this feature, you can start a countdown timer for your reading session, and even display your progress on the lock screen.

This guide will walk you through the steps to use the Reading Mode Shortcut and make the most of your reading time.

How To Install & Use Reading Mode IOS Shortcut For iPhone/iPad

Step 1: Tap on the “Install Shortcut” button above to install the Reading Mode shortcut.

Step 2: Now, open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone or iPad.

Step 3: Tap the Shortcut that you just installed.

Step 4: Enter desired reading time in minutes in the pop-up that appears.

Step 5: Now, Tap on the type of book you want to read/listen e.g. eBook, Paper Book, or Audio Book.

Step 6: You can also choose the device if you have multiple devices on the same iCloud.

Step 7:The Reading Mode will be initiated, once the timer goes off, a popup notification will appear and the shortcut will be turned off automatically.

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